Take your library to the next level.

A LIRN membership is your first step to a stronger, more effective library. Discover how you can give your students and faculty the resources and services they need, while staying on budget and reducing your library staff's workload.

Benefits of membership.

LIRN membership includes several key benefits to help our member schools provide students with easy access to their subscribed resources.


Students can access your online resources anywhere they go — on campus, at home, or studying at the local coffee shop. All of your LIRN subscription resources are automatically set up to work within the proxy. Resources purchased directly from another vendor or consortium can be added for a nominal fee.


LIRNProxy also provides a web portal containing links to all of your subscription resources. This portal can serve as a common starting point for students to access your online resources. It contains an alphabetical listing of your resources, a subject-oriented view of your resources, or a vendor-oriented view of your resources to help your students, faculty, and staff find the content they need.


A federated search engine, LIRNSearch, is also included with your membership. LIRNSearch provides your students with an easy way to search across resources from multiple vendors with a simple search interface.

Technical Support and Training

If you need help constructing links, have questions about your subscriptions, or encounter access problems, we can help. We can usually answer questions and address issues directly. For more complex problems, we will coordinate with the vendor on your behalf to get to a resolution quickly.

Content subscriptions

We work with our members to build customized content subscriptions that meet the needs of their programs. We also offer core packages from two of the leading content providers to give schools a well-rounded collection that supports teaching and learning and exceeds the expectations of accrediting and licensing bodies.

woman multi tasking on the phone and computer

Let's build a library of successful academic outcomes.

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